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PSI  Simulator

A patent for a method to construct and to run the Peter Petz Simulators.

A Peter Petz patent exists since 1982, even then showing the most actual princip of simulation, today still waiting for ist final realisation.

All conditions to carry out the method were mechanically existing even then. Only after the digitization of figures one was able to dispose of an enormous amount of software, which helps this simulation-system to ist breakthrough, without causing the moviemakers enormous costs.

With the digitalised videomovie, backed up with laser (LTD System), the Peter Petz methode of simulation becomes a revolutionary triumph. Its introduction on the market is set for the year 2000 and it is now being imminent.

With those components a methode of simulation will entry the sektor of amusement. At the world exhibition in Lissboa 1998 the methode, then only existing in a coarse way, has been demonstrated by a PSI - Licensee for the first time.

Already without being aware of the possibilities of using, the methode met with universal approval from the oranizers and the customers.

What is the difference between PSI and well-known systems of simulation?

1. PSI is a nonrecuring system of simulation, where the construction makes a

three - dimensional axle motion between a continous rotation motion.
This aspect distinguishes PSI from all other conventional simulations.
Another important difference are the following functions:

2. The motions are programmed in a synchronised way with the aim, not to disturb the costumer or make him feel insecure.

(Known simulators are already possesing the features of a shake - machine,
where the customer is fighting not to fall out of his seat - not depending on the
current film performance.

3. With the methode of PSI it is possible to entertain up to 1000 people with a performance in suited rooms.
The construction-costs for such big installations are unusual low and the installations can be excellent integrated in the multiplex - cinemas which were built everywhere.


4. The methode allows an amount of different possibilities and is even suited to
retrofit existing systems of simulation.

5. With the sensitive insert of motion, sound and environemental effects (smell,
moisture a.s.o.) the total simulation will be created, which fools the senses of
the customers in a total way.

Quotation: ³It is astonishing how easlily the brain is being taken in." Trowbridge

The Peter Petz system or methode is confirmed by the US design engineer Trowbridge, who has constructed the best simulation installation at the first time:

³The Spider Man" course, the first virtual roller coaster, in the Universalstudio Orlando.

With the PSI system from Peter Petz you can develop much bigger and effective simulations because not only 16 people share the performance in one cabin or vehicle, but an amount of people up to 1000 share this pleasure and get with the crowd into a suggestive atmosphere.

- it's A Pleasure For All

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  Copyright © 1999 by Peter Petz
last update  1.11. 1999