Homapage Pleasure Contact


Purchase of Original Peter Petz
Nostalgic Steam Carousel & Attractions
Contact us:
Email to Pleasure for All. pleasure.for.all@peter-petz.de

Please plan ahead in time for reserving you the date of your request. We produce an offer made to measure for the complete price. We afford you special conditions during an engagement of several days.

Space requirements , power supply system:
The tenant has to ensure the existance of a power suply system and the official licence for puplic places.

Carousel animator:
Carousel & Attractions are served and looked after by our dressed up animators with antique cashierbags.

Delivering and collecting, construction and dismantling of the respective facility construction, is carried out by us. You only anounce to us the exact position as well as openning and closing hours.

As a special service we offer you free tickets before the begin of our engagement. Provided with your seal you can sell them to sponsors or give them away to your big and small customers.

A constant check is kept on all of our products by the TÜV and they comply with the safty regulations.

You receive from us complete insured equipments

© 2009 Peter Petz